How is Breast Lifting (Mastopexy) and Asymmetry Correction Operation Performed?

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How is Breast Lifting (Mastopexy) and Asymmetry Correction Operation Performed?

In the application of breast lift and asymmetry correction, which is an aesthetic surgical operation, the patient's 'aesthetic' expectations are of great importance. In aesthetic expectation, the patient may have a certain breast shape in his head. Considering these expectations, the aesthetic surgeon creates the scope of the operation by presenting the proposal to the patient, which is suitable for the patient's physical structure (height, weight, regional weight distribution, rib cage width, etc.) and will provide the closest result to the natural. In the operation, it is basically aimed to lift the nipple in a symmetrical way and to remove the underlying tissue in case of excess (breast reduction). In the operation performed with general anesthesia, the surgical procedure can take an average of 3 hours.