How are Non-Surgical Procedures Performed in the Field of Genital Aesthetics?

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How are Non-Surgical Procedures Performed in the Field of Genital Aesthetics?

In non-surgical procedures in the field of genital aesthetics, the patient's 'aesthetic' expectations are of great importance. Considering these expectations, the aesthetic surgeon creates the scope of the operation by presenting the method suggestions to the patient, which are suitable for the physical structure of the patient in general and will provide the closest result to the natural. In the field of genital aesthetics, laser light is given to the relevant vaginal areas in accordance with the purpose of the treatment by using laser systems in non-surgical procedures. By means of laser light, tissue repair mechanism is triggered in the relevant areas and thus the recovery and narrowing of the vagina can be achieved with increased elastin and collagen production; By creating bleaching in the external genital area, the dark color of the vagina can be lightened, and urinary incontinence problems can be eliminated due to vaginal correction when there is no problem caused by internal structures (for example, low bladder, sagging). If preferred by the patient and the doctor deems it appropriate, the operation performed with local anesthesia takes an average of 30 – 45 minutes depending on the width of the desired area. Non-surgical procedures in the field of genital aesthetics are repeated in 2-4 sessions, usually at 2-month intervals, depending on the intended treatment and the patient.